Woman with mask holding cat If you would like the chance to win some Love2Shop vouchers, you can also email your image and quote  “I Love my Veterinary nurse because……”  to The British Veterinary Nurse Association (BVNA)  – bvna@bvna.co.uk

The BVNA will be judging the entries from around the country.


  • Just take a photo of your pet and complete the sentence “I love my Veterinary Nurse because …”
  • Competition entries must be EMAILED to bvna@bvna.co.uk no later than Monday 31st May 2021. Entries will not be accepted if they are not emailed direct to bvna@bvna.co.uk.
  • Post your entry on your own social media pages and include these hashtags: #planetRVN, #VNAM2021 and #whatVNsdo
  • The judges will select a winner and two runners up. Both runners up will receive a £25.00 Love2Shop voucher and there is a £50.00 Love2Shop voucher for the winner!
  • Winners will be notified in June and will be listed on the BVNA website and social media channels.

Good luck!

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